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  • Photo Slide of MCS 2024 Graduates 00:40 ConGRADulations MCS Class of 2024!

    Congratulations to the 45 Eighth Grade students of The Madeleine Choir School Class of 2024 on successfully completing their final day of classes for the school year! Just like hatchlings and fledglings spreading their wings, these MCS Cardinals are prepared to take flight and venture out into the world. We are immensely proud of their achievements and eagerly anticipate all the remarkable things they will accomplish in the future.

    Uploaded May 29, 2024
  • Quid Admirantes 00:22 Quid Admirantes

    Our annual Quid Admirantes was celebrated on Thursday, May 9 with the usual enthusiasm. It marks the beginning of the annual Pentecost Novena, nine days of prayer that the Holy Spirit will be sent forth and “renew the face of the earth.” There could not be a more appropriate prayer at this time on our planet. They are 3 – 4-minute short prayers for our families. Please join us!

    Uploaded May 09, 2024
  • A Day in the Life of Two MCS Students 3:00 A Day in the Life of Two MCS Students

    See two MCS students' daily experiences. One is a 7th grade student and one is a 4th grade student.

    Uploaded May 08, 2024
  • St. Dunstan Choir sings with residents of Capitol Hill Senior Living 00:09 St. Dunstan Choir with Capitol Hill Senior Living Community 2023-24

    MCS youngest choir ensemble singing with residents of Capitol Hill Senior Living Community. Throughout the year St. Dunstan visit's Capitol Hill Senior Living monthly, sharing the gift of music.

    Uploaded Apr 29, 2024
  • 4:32

    Uploaded Feb 27, 2024 by Administrator UTMCS.ORG

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