Parents » Safe Environment

Safe Environment

Safe Environment Training

The Diocese of Salt Lake City has as one of its first concerns the safety of all of the young people and children who take part in its many programs and institutions. All diocesan personnel and volunteers (even if minors themselves), having regular contact with children, youth and vulnerable adults must comply with diocesan policies and with applicable state and local laws. The Diocese of Salt Lake requires that all personnel and volunteers complete the Safe Environment compliance training and complete a background check. Personnel and employees must re-certify every three years.

The database compliance program is completely computer-based. All forms are completed online. Personnel and volunteers will need to complete the online background check and the online Safe Environment compliance training. The Safe Environment Coordinator at The Madeleine Choir School will receive notification that your online training and background check have been completed.  Click here to set up an account and complete the training.  If you have any questions or concerns please contact Lisa Johnson, Safe Environment Coordinator for The Madeleine Choir School, at [email protected] or 801-323-9850.

Important Note: The Diocese will no longer allow employees or volunteers to begin working with children until they have completed all of the necessary steps of the Safe Environment process.  Please try to complete your online work in the next few days if you are able. Because of the seriousness of this pastoral concern, no exceptions can be made.