Curriculum by Grade » The Emma Eccles Jones Kindergarten Curriculum

The Emma Eccles Jones Kindergarten Curriculum

The Emma Eccles Jones Kindergarten

Grade K Curriculum


English Language Arts


Reading Standards for Literature

  • Ask and answer questions about details in a text
  • Listen attentively and retell simple stories through conversation, art, movement or drama
  • Retell stories with simple plots, including some details about characters, settings and major events in a story
  • Ask and answer questions about unknown words in a text
  • Recognize common types of texts (e.g. storybooks, poems)
  • Discuss the role of author and illustrator in telling the story
  • Use illustrations to tell the story when looking at a familiar book
  • Discuss characters and their experiences in familiar stories that are similar and different
  • Engage in storytelling and conversation with peers and adults about texts read


Reading Standards for Informational Text

  • Ask and answer questions about details in text and make personal connections with the text
  • Listen to a wide variety of informational text
  • Discuss information in a text, including differences, similarities and comparisons to personal experiences
  • Ask and answer questions about unknown words in a text
  • Identify the front cover, back cover and title page of a book
  • Discuss the role of the author and illustrator/photographer in presenting the ideas or information in a text
  • Recognize that a relationship exists between the illustrations/photographs and the text
  • Identify key details in a text
  • Participate in discussions to identify the similarities and differences between two texts on the same topic
  • Actively engage in group reading activities with purpose and understanding


Reading Standards and Foundational Skills

Print Concept

  • Understand the basic features of print (e.g. Follow words)
  • Recognize and name all upper and lowercase letters of the alphabet


Phonological Awareness

  • Recognize and produce rhyming words
  • Count, pronounce, blend, and segment syllables
  • Blend and segment onsets and rimes of single syllable words
  • Isolate and pronounce the initial, middle, and ending sounds of CVC words
  • Substitute or add sounds to create or make new words


Phonics & Word Recognition

  • Say the sounds for all consonant letters
  • Say the short and long vowel sounds
  • Read high frequency words



  • Read & understand decodable text


Writing Standards

Text Types and Purpose

  • Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to compose opinion, informative, & narrative writing


Speaking and Listening

Conventions of Standard English

  • Print upper and lowercase letters
  • Use nouns, plural nouns, verbs, prepositions, when writing or speaking
  • Use question words
  • Demonstrate correct English grammar in speaking and writing
  • Capitalize, punctuate and spell when writing



  • Determine the meaning of unknown words and phrases
  • Use words and phrases learned through text and conversation.




Counting and Cardinality

  • Know number names and the count sequence
  • Count to tell the number of objects
  • Compare numbers


Operations and Algebraic Thinking

  • Understand addition as putting together and adding to, and understand subtraction as taking apart and taking from.


Number and Operations in Base Ten

  • Work with numbers 11-19 to gain foundations for place value


Measurement and Data

  • Describe and compare measurable attributes
  • Classify objects and count the number of objects in categories



  • Identify and describe shapes
  • Analyze, compare, create, and compose shapes




K-PS2 Motion and Stability: Forces and Interactions
K-PS2-1 Plan and conduct an investigation to compare the effects of different strengths or different directions
of pushes
K-PS2-2 Analyze data to determine if a design solution works as intended to change the speed of direction of
an object with a push or pull
K-PS3 Energy
K-PS3-1 Make observations to determine the effect of sunlight on Earth's surface
K-PS3-2 Use tools and materials to design and build a structure that will reduce the warming effect of sunlight
on an area

K-LS1 From Molecules to Organisms: Structures and Processes
K-LS1-1 Use observations to describe patterns of what plants and animals (including humans) need to survive

K-ESS2 Earth’s Systems
K-ESS2-1 Use and share observations of local weather conditions described by patterns over time
K-ESS2-2 Construct an argument supported by evidence for how plants and animals (including humans) can
change the environment to meet their needs
K-ESS3 Earth and Human Activity
K-ESS3-1 Use a model to represent the relationship between the needs of different plants or animals (including
humans) and the places they live
K-ESS3 -2 Ask questions to obtain information about the purpose of weather forecasting to prepare for, and
respond to, severe weather
K-ESS3-3 Communicate solutions that will reduce the impact of humans on the land, water, air, and/or other
living things


Social Studies



  • Recognize and respectfully describe how individuals are similar and different (gender, height, growth, language, etc.)
  • Recognize and respectfully describe how families are similar and different (share traditions, rules, size)
  • Describe ways families provide love, care, food, shelter, clothing, companionship, and protection



  • Demonstrate appropriate ways to behave and act in different settings
  • Explain rules and consequences and their purpose
  • Identify examples of honesty, responsibility, patriotism, and courage from literature and everyday life
  • Identify and demonstrate safe practices at home and school (know name, address, phone number)
  • Follow safety procedures (fire drill, earthquake, intruder)
  • Identify and articulate role of adults in the community and to whom students may seek help and safety (fireperson, policeperson, etc.)
  • Recite and honor the Pledge of Allegiance while demonstrating appropriate patriotic etiquette



  • Identify simple geographic terms (near/far, mountain/hill) and make a simple map
  • Identify properties of maps and globes (land/water, up/down) and directions (N,S,E,W)


Financial Literacy

  • Describe differences between needs and wants and how needs are met
  • Identify various jobs, their tools/equipment, and the purpose of work
  • Recognize U.S. currency




The emphasis of kindergarten religion is God Loves Us. Students are reminded that they are created in the image of God and that God loves his creation.



  • Understand that God made people out of love and each person is special because of God’s love


Worship and Sacraments

  • Understand that mass and lauds are a time to worship God
  • Gain a basic understanding of sacraments the Catholic Church recognizes



  • Explain right vs. wrong and understand that we care in control of our choices and these choices have consequences
  • Explain how family and school involvement help us live our faith


Social Justice

  • Demonstrate a respect for all of God’s creations
  • Participate in several stewardship projects that help our community



  • Retell New Testament stories: Birth of Jesus, Miracles, and Resurrection
  • Retell Old Testament stories: Creation, Noah, David, etc.
  • Understand the Bible is the word of God and the Bible stories inform us how to be moral and religious people


Family Life

  • Understand that God gave the gift of life to create families that grow and change
  • Understand that God is forgiving and wants us to be kind, fair, and truthful
  • Know about the Holy Family – Jesus, Mary, and Joseph


Liturgical Year

  • Know of special liturgical times (Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter)
  • Celebrate Mary, Guardian Angels, St. Francis, and St. Nicholas on their feast days


Prayer and Practice

  • Experience various forms of prayer (silent, listening, songs, spontaneous, group, etc.)
  • Reverently recite Our Father, Hail Mary, Angel of God, Grace before meals, and Gloria



  • Demonstrate knowledge of Biblical and religious vocabulary we use during Mass, Lauds, and other times of reverence
  • Use religious vocabulary appropriately while participating in class



  • Understand that God has a special vocation for each of his people and we are to accept our spiritual calling
  • Understand the several different leaders in the Catholic Church (Priest, Nuns, Cardinals, Pope, etc.)