Dr. Dr. Gabriele Terrone » Dr. Gabriele Terrone

Dr. Gabriele Terrone

Gabriele Terrone is the Organist and Assistant Director of Music  at the Cathedral of the Madeleine in Salt Lake City, Utah since  2014. In this role, he is the principal assistant of the Cathedral  Director of Music, playing the organ for the Cathedral daily  liturgies. He also serves on the music faculty of the Madeleine  Choir School, assisting with the training and preparation of the  choristers, and as Director of the Eccles Organ Festival.


Gabriele Terrone was born in Rome (Italy) where he also  received most of his music education, obtaining the Diploma in  Organ and Composition from the Italian State Conservatory under  the guidance of Juan Paradell Solé. Afterward, he attended a  three-year postgraduate program in organ improvisation under  the direction of Theo Flury in the Pontifical Institute for Sacred  Music in Roma and the Hochschüle für Musik in Luzern (Switzerland). From the latter Institution he was awarded the Certificate of Advanced Studies in Organ  Improvisation. Graduated with honors in Mathematics at La  Sapienza University of Rome, he earned a Ph.D. in Mathematics  from the University of Padova and has been working as a  researcher at the Instituto Superior Técnico in Lisbon  (Portugal). Before coming to Utah, he served in the Papal Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore in Roma, first as Assistant Organist then  as Titular Organist since November 2011. Gabriele Terrone is the  author of several music and scientific publications.