Mrs. Bowcut, our fifth grade theology teacher, sixth grade theology teacher and sixth grade math teacher will be taking on the role of Middle School Department Head, in addition to teaching. Mrs. Bowcut currently has a Masters of Science in Education and is set to graduate in the fall with a Masters of Science in Educational Leadership with a license in Administration.
"This year I will be working with administration to manage the lunch recess “Reflect and Repair” referral reflection time for students in Grades 5-8. This will be a restorative approach embedded into our consequence management process. I will also support the implementation of a peer observation program among the teachers. This will allow teachers to observe different grade levels and classrooms to enhance student learning outcomes through reflective practice. Additionally, I will be leading middle school teacher meetings. This will help ensure that all middle school teachers are working together to improve the educational experience for your child".
While Mrs. Bowcut is very excited to get started in this new position, she also has other exciting news to share! Her and her husband, Zach, are elated to announce that they will be having a baby girl February 5th! Mrs. Bowcut and her husband have been married for three years and actually met her first week in Utah. You can catch Zach at the Bonneville Golf Course working as a golf pro. In their free time they enjoy going to spin classes and traveling together. We are so excited for Mrs. Bowcut and her family! We can't wait to meet the newest member of the MCS Family.