Curriculum by Grade » Pre-Kindergarten





English Language Arts


Reading Standards for Literature

  • Ask and answer questions about details in a text
  • Listen attentively and retell simple stories through conversation, art, movement or drama
  • Retell stories with simple plots, including some details about characters, settings and major events in a story
  • Ask and answer questions about unknown words in a text
  • Recognize common types of texts (e.g. storybooks, poems)
  • Discuss the role of author and illustrator in telling the story
  • Use illustrations to tell the story when looking at a familiar book
  • Discuss characters and their experiences in familiar stories that are similar and different
  • Engage in storytelling and conversation with peers and adults about texts read


Reading Standards for Informational Text

  • Ask and answer questions about details in text and make personal connections with the text
  • Listen to a wide variety of informational text
  • Discuss information in a text, including differences, similarities and comparisons to personal experiences
  • Ask and answer questions about unknown words in a text
  • Identify the front cover, back cover and title page of a book
  • Discuss the role of the author and illustrator/photographer in presenting the ideas or information in a text
  • Recognize that a relationship exists between the illustrations/photographs and the text
  • Identify key details in a text
  • Participate in discussions to identify the similarities and differences between two texts on the same topic
  • Actively engage in group reading activities with purpose and understanding


Reading Standards: Foundational Skills

  • Recognize print in everyday life, such as numbers, letters, one’s name, familiar logos and signs
  • Identify and discriminate between sounds (phonemes) in spoken language, such as attention to beginning and ending sounds of words
  • Recognize that words are made up of letters and their sounds


Writing Standards

  • Use a combination of drawing, dictating, scribbling, approximating letters and using known letters

- to represent and share feelings and ideas about a topic

- to extend learning about a topic

- to describe parts of a story

  • Review drawing, dictation or developmentally appropriate writing
  • Use a variety of writing/drawing materials and forms (e.g., notes, labels, letters, signs, stories, tape recorder and computer) to create and share ideas
  • Participate in group activities that use developmentally appropriate writing to represent knowledge and/or opinion on a topic
  • Recall information from provided sources (e.g., books, videos, pictures) to answer a question


Speaking and Listening Standards

  • Engage in conversation with peers and adults in small and larger groups, by talking about pictures, topics and text
  • Ask and answer questions and make comments about print material, oral information and other media (e.g., ask questions using where, why, when and how)
  • Ask and answer questions to seek help or to learn more
  • Describe familiar people, places, things and events
  • Speak audibly and express thoughts, feelings and ideas clearly


Language Standards

  • Demonstrate command of the conversations of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking
  • Clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases
  • Discuss commonalities and differences and sort objects (e.g., shapes, foods)
  • Identify opposites using descriptive words (e.g., big/little, short/tall)
  • Use words and phrases acquired through conversation, being read to and responding to texts




Number sense

  • Sort and use manipulatives for numbers 1-20 and show one-to-one correspondence
  • Recognize numbers up to 20
  • Compare groups of numbers using manipulatives, pictures or written numerals to determine if the groups are the same, less than or greater than


Addition and Subtraction

  • Demonstrate with manipulatives the combining and separating of sets with 10 or fewer objects to solve problems


Patterns and Number relationships

  • Understand, describe, sort and create patterns with one or more attributes
  • Predict next items in patterns
  • Recognize missing parts in puzzles and patterns


Geometric Shapes and Relationships

  • Identify match, and create basic geometric shapes: circles, triangles, rectangles and squares
  • Experiment with combination of simple geometric shapes to make more complex geometric shapes through the use of manipulatives
  • Match objects to shapes
  • Describe simple spatial relationships



  • Experiment with measuring familiar items through non-standard unites of measure (hands, feet, craft sticks, yarn)
  • Compare two objects (i.e. shorter/longer, heavier/lighter, larger/smaller, more/less)
  • Explore with standard measuring tools such as measuring cups, spoons, rulers and scales



  • Identify clocks and calendars as tools that measure time
  • Begin to understand various aspects of time, i.e. how long an activity takes, what yesterday, tomorrow, day and week mean


Data and Probability

  • Collect, classify, and represent simple data from everyday experiences on charts such as sticker charts
  • Draw simple conclusions based on data


Problem solving

  • Understand problem solving in mathematical and everyday contexts
  • Develop critical thinking skills through open-ended questioning




Natural World

  • Observe objects and processes in the child's surrounding world
  • Investigate aspects of the child's natural world such as living organisms, colors, seasonal changes, seeds and planting to name just a few


Making Connections

  • Make comparisons and connections with seasons, animals, plants, self and others
  • Begin to notice patterns and sequences in the natural world
  • Begin to notice change such as in forms of matter (i.e. through cooking experiences)


Communicate about Discoveries and Explorations

  • Describe and explain what happens in these scientific explorations
  • Share information and prior experiences that relate to topics discussed and explored in class


Taking Care of the Earth

  • Exploring natural resources and our responsibility to conserve these and use wisely
  • Identify ways to conserve resources
  • Investigate causes of pollution and how to reduce it


Social Studies



  • Understand where they live (city, state, country)
  • Discover maps and globes

Community and Family

  • Family as a social institution/provision of basic needs
  • Value of family heritage and traditions
  • Describe factors that influence relationships with family and friends


American History

  • Celebrate and discuss the importance and history of national holidays and celebrations


Peace and Justice

  • Identifies the poor as having a special place in the teaching of Jesus
  • Recognizes obligation Christians have to seek for justice in the world
  • Recognizes Christian obligation to feed the hungry
  • Support of our sister school in Tanzania




Standard One

  • Develop an awareness of God in his or her life
  • Understand that God loves us
  • Recognize that the world is a gift from God


Standard Two

  • Understand that he or she belongs to a catholic church community
  • Can identify The Holy Family
  • Recognize common bible stories


Standard Three

  • Understand that prayer is simply talking to God
  • Participate in daily prayer
  • Can gesture the sign of the cross correctly
  • Can create simple prayers of thanks, asking, sorrow, and praise
  • Is able to say grace before meals
  • Is able to recite The Our Father
  • Is able to recite the Hail Mary and Angel of God prayer


Standard Four

  • Is beginning to comprehend:
  • The Liturgical Year/Ordinary Time
  • Seasons of Advent, Christmas, Lent, and Easter
  • Holy Week
  • Thanksgiving Day
  • Valentine's Day
  • Mary’s Feast Days


Standard Five

  • Demonstrate Christ-like behavior
  • Respect self and others
  • Recognize talents and differences
  • Show kindness and forgiveness
  • Is involved in year-long service projects


The Arts


The arts will be incorporated every day into the Pre-Kindergarten curriculum. Visual art, dramatic play music, and movement and dance will be used to enhance the curriculum being used in the classroom. Students will explore and experiment with their bodies, with materials and with sound and rhythm. Activities will often be open-ended and lend themselves to the natural creativity the child brings with them.


Motor Skills


Movement enhances growth and development, increases body awareness, provides children with confidence, and enhances learning. There is a wide range of neuromuscular development in young children. It is important that opportunities are given to the students to develop both gross and fine motor skills through a variety of both indoor and outdoor activities.


Physical Education


Development of many gross motor skills will be focused on in physical activities. Games, exercises and controlled movement will foster the child's physical development. Students will participate in both indoor and outdoor activities. Students will engage in large group, small group, partner and individual games and movement. The early building blocks of a healthy lifestyle will be emphasized.