Ms. Grace Bardugon » Ms. Grace Bardugon

Ms. Grace Bardugon

Ms. Grace Bardugon was born and raised in Salt Lake City, Utah and attended The Madeleine Choir School from Kindergarten (‘06) to 8th grade (‘14). After graduating from West High School, she continued to pursue her passion in childcare as a nanny. In the summer of 2022, Grace spent 4 months at the LA Catholic Worker and hopes to bring the goals of the Catholic Worker movement back to Salt Lake City. After completing the LACW summer internship, Grace returned home to MCS in Fall 2022 to work at Extended Care and Pre-K.

Grace adores all the kids she works with from Pre-K to 8th grade, and loves teaching at the school that shaped her to be the person she is today.

In her free time Grace can be found sewing and mending piles of clothing, playing video games with her friends, and drinking far too much tea for one person.