Mr. Glenn's Message to Students After the Election

...immigrant, unborn or elderly.

In just a minute, we are going to recite together the pledge of allegiance, our daily statement of commitment to this great republic that is the United States of America. In our pledge we acknowledge the place our republic has in the big scheme of things: Under God. That’s right: Under God. These two words acknowledge that the laws of God, especially as they are articulated in the life and teaching of Jesus of Nazareth, rank higher for us than the ruminations of any political leader. At the Choir School we have a higher calling, a calling to embrace and promote the seemingly subversive but world-changing Kingdom of God as proclaimed by Jesus. This is first and foremost the most important job for all of us at the Cathedral School.

Our Holy Father Pope Francis is the Vicar of Jesus Christ for us – that means he articulates this message of Jesus to us in a particular way. What is he saying to us? What teaching of Jesus Christ is he calling the church to advance in our present age? Pope Francis is concerned about economic injustice, the growing gap between the rich and the poor, about human trafficking and the objectification of women, about the care for our planet, about the right of each person to land, labor and lodging, about immigration reform, about the care for refugees, about our throwaway culture that pervades and extends to everything from our natural resources to actual human lives.

When our new government takes up its work in January, we will need to give voice to this higher law, remembering that we are “Under God.” We must never use fear, coercion, scapegoating or xenophobic hate-mongering to advance our cause or any cause. Through our engaged scholarship, effective communication, and responsible world citizenship we will need to advance the teachings of Jesus, not remaining silent, and never being afraid. We have a voice, and we must engage that voice in the political forum, calling for more positive, respectful, and productive discourse and dialogue in this country.

In the days, weeks and months ahead we need to support and pray for our lawfully elected President, while also giving voice to that higher law that comes to us from Jesus Christ, a law that demands our compassion, mercy, empathy and love.

Let us pray.

O God, to whom every human power is subject,

grant to your servant our next president Donald,

success in the exercise of his high office,

so that, always revering you and striving to please you,

he may constantly secure and preserve for the people

entrusted to his care
the freedom that comes from civil peace.

Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,

who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,

one God, for ever and ever.
